Contact and Feedback

The DILCIS Board commits to openness and transparency in the management and further development of the specifications. As such we aim to set up multiple means for the general archiving community to contribute and provide feedback. 


We welcome feedback on the DILCIS Board or any of the specifications at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Feedback on GitHub

Technical issues can also be reported on the DILCIS Board GitHub site at This site serves also as a technical discussion wiki and the location for additional technical documentation (proposed draft specifications, Information Package examples etc).

Specification Working Groups

In case you have in depth interest in contributing to one of the DILCIS Board specifications you will have the possibility to join Specification Working Groups, which are dedicated to providing hands-on work on preparing next versions of the specifications and discussing update proposals. In case of interest please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.